Déjà vu

A little over five years ago during DrH’s fourth year of medical school and a few months before we were getting married, he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. To briefly recap, he was diagnosed with metastatic thyroid cancer. Metastatic, meaning spread outside of the thyroid gland to surrounding lymph nodes. More specifically, he was diagnosed with papillary…

Two Under Two

Ever since announcing that I was pregnant with our second son the questions have been coming from all directions — “Was this planned?”, “Did you want to have children this close together?”, “How are you going to do that with DrH working so much?”, “How many children do you want to have?” To answer the,…

Where have you been?

It has been over a year since I found the time to sit down and share some thoughts with the world- reasons being… I now have two children under the age of two, ohh and DrH is working ALL. THE. TIME. However, the later part of that statement isn’t exactly new news for the community…

Parenthood in Residency: The Beginning

“Ok, Briana, I think you might want to call your husband and get him up here, it is about time to start pushing!” You are probably wondering: Why would she need to call her husband if she was that far along in labor, shouldn’t he already be with her? Well, yes, that would be the…

PGY 3: What It Was Really Like

Now that we have made it to the other side of DrH’s PGY3 year I’d like to take a minute to be honest about it: IT. WAS. ROUGH. The third year of DrH’s program is known as the year of nights. They spend half of the year working nights and the other half on trauma…

I’m Back!

Wow, it has been over a year since I sat down to put a blog together. I guess that is a true testament to how busy/crazy things have been. So here is a brief recap of the highlights to get caught back up to today! The last time I posted something it was unfortunately not…

I Have Joined the 1 in 4: Our Story of Miscarriage

Starting a family is a very personal choice for every person/couple. For DrH and me, it was a no-brainer that we would start a family (God willing) when the “time was right.” But, when is the time right exactly? And with him being in residency, there is never a “right” time, just maybe “better” times….

Miss Independent

Many times throughout this medical journey Kelly Clarkson’s lyrics “Miss independent; Miss self-sufficient” have rang through my head. Sometimes more as an anthem to keep myself strong and other times as a “hell yes!” pat on my back for getting through something challenging entirely on my own. The one piece of advice that I was offered at the…

Intern Year: We Survived and Thrived

Originally published on Physician Family When asked to reflect on intern year, I wasn’t quite sure what to say because it has gone by so fast. Briana doesn’t have something to say? Ha! Those who know me personally are probably laughing out loud! My husband began his neurosurgery residency in July 2014 and as of July…

Catch up! May & June

So it has been a rather busy 6 weeks for DrH and me. Here is the rundown with what has been going on!: May 6th:  DrH completed Step 3. May 8th: We closed on our first house. May 14th-16th: DrH was in CA for a training. May 17th: Moved into our new house. May 23rd: Friend’s wedding in NC….